It's as if the "weather gods" know which days I have Management Accounting (Tues and Thurs) and how much I dread it because, like Tuesday, it's gloomy outside.
All my courses are in English, of course.
This was my first class at 9AM on Monday morning. It surprised me to find locals taking this course as I thought they'd already know everything but they claim they don't. My professor is an excellent speaker. He hates idol groups like Big Bang and Wondergirls and trends in general. Some of my classmates think he's handsome but I can't see it. I expect to learn a lot. Midterm (35%), final (35%), and group presentation (20%).
Marketing Management
THIS professor... myyyy goodness. Not only does he have amazing academic credentials, he is probably going to be the best professor I've ever had in my life. The 1.25hr class flew by so quickly and at the end of the class, I realized I was leaning forward at the edge of my seat. He uses examples that are applicable to everyone in the class such as Pokemon cards, the smokeless cigarette, shopping for clothes... I learned a lot and his lecture style is so easy going yet it all just flows and makes sense. He also seems to genuinely care about his students and asks them questions about themselves. Anyway, I'm really looking forward to my next marketing class. I have two group presentations and two exams (MC and essay questions).
Management AccountingI don't need to take this, but I think it'd be useful... I think it's wiser to take this here since I just need to pass in order to get credit for the course rather than take it at home and have it affect my GPA. Oh man... debit.. credit.. what again? Well, today's class wasn't too bad. He went through a lot of material but I liked how he used simple diagrams and actually explained the concepts clearly (eg. how to figure out the value of "cost"), emphasizing key words. He's one of the more serious professors but still cracks jokes from time to time (in his serious tone) which makes it even funnier. The first half of the course will be number crunching material and in the second half , we will learn the "management" aspect.
Korean Language Beginner 1lol.. the most basic Korean course. I love this course. All the students I know/recognize from orientation. They're a fun bunch from all over the world and they all live at CJ International dorm (as do I). My professor is so nice. We're learning the Korean alphabet now so it's a nice review. Puny classroom, though.
This is a typical classroom in the LG Posco Business building. It doesn't seem too special, but I'm appreciative of the comfortable spin-able desk chairs and the graduated layout where every seat is decent. I just learned yesterday that it's best to sit in the 2nd row because that's where the professor usually looks.. and that if you're a familiar face, he/she will more likely give you a better grade. What I found neat was when the professors stood close to the blackboard, invisible microphones picked up on their voice and projected it through speakers! You can hear the professor rustling with papers or even dragging their feet when they walk. These rooms are also equipped with these liquid-chalk pens (that look like white-out) to write on the blackboard... and to erase, they dip a huge eraser in water before using it on the board! No dusty chalkboards and no clean-up needed for the next class.
The students who go to KU seem quite bright and their English (well, of the ones who attend English classes) is surprisingly good. I blend in easily and people often tend to forget I'm not and can't understand Korean.
You know how people usually look forward to visit the bookstore? It's almost a tourist destination back in Vancouver, I think. But compared to home, this "Uni Store" is a big disappointment. Yea - this is pretty much how big it is minus the cashier and stationary section. None of the shelves are labeled by course number, there are no price tags on any of the books (though everything is really cheap.. my text books are a little over $30CDN each.. school t-shirts are $4CDN, sweatshirts are $25CDN), you can't return a book once bought (they stamp bought books), it's so crowded at certain times of the day, and books are piled up on the ground everywhere...Some differences between North American universities + Korean (or just KU)
- students have already started studying in the libraries and study halls here (it's the 1st week!!)
- they have extremely strict "late" policies. If you're even 1 minute late, don't even bother showing up. If you have 3 absences, you fail the course no matter if you're at the top of the class. Attendance is taken at the beginning of every class. As much as 20% of my grade is determined merely by attendance.
- the students dress SO WELL. If you wear any form of sweatsuit material, your friends will make fun of you.
- the professors here have a much closer teacher-student relationship than back at home. On the first day of Korean Culture and Society, my professor made plans to have lunch with all the Japanese students (as he had visited their school last year).
- respect towards everyone (teacher, other students) is incredible
- classes are generally much smaller. They have many sections of the same course so no class (that I know of) has over 45 students.
- guys in the Business faculty are not good looking at all...
- when asked where something is, students will go out of their way to bring you to the place and make sure all your questions are answered.
- all the teachers seem funny and enjoy lightening up the atmosphere and making their students laugh. Koreans laugh easily, though.
Some of the international students weren't as lucky. Two of them were kicked out of two separate classes because the professors thought it was stupid to teach Korean History in English, especially when they were the only foreigners in that class. In another class of 40 students, even though there was one (blatantly obvious) foreigner, the professor taught 75% of the class in Korean anyway!
"KU" Campus Bus Stop: there's a free shuttle that goes in circles around the campus.- they have extremely strict "late" policies. If you're even 1 minute late, don't even bother showing up. If you have 3 absences, you fail the course no matter if you're at the top of the class. Attendance is taken at the beginning of every class. As much as 20% of my grade is determined merely by attendance.
- the students dress SO WELL. If you wear any form of sweatsuit material, your friends will make fun of you.
- the professors here have a much closer teacher-student relationship than back at home. On the first day of Korean Culture and Society, my professor made plans to have lunch with all the Japanese students (as he had visited their school last year).
- respect towards everyone (teacher, other students) is incredible
- classes are generally much smaller. They have many sections of the same course so no class (that I know of) has over 45 students.
- guys in the Business faculty are not good looking at all...
- when asked where something is, students will go out of their way to bring you to the place and make sure all your questions are answered.
- all the teachers seem funny and enjoy lightening up the atmosphere and making their students laugh. Koreans laugh easily, though.
Some of the international students weren't as lucky. Two of them were kicked out of two separate classes because the professors thought it was stupid to teach Korean History in English, especially when they were the only foreigners in that class. In another class of 40 students, even though there was one (blatantly obvious) foreigner, the professor taught 75% of the class in Korean anyway!
your courses sound absolutely AWESOME! hahaha i love your fact that boys in the business faculty are not good looking...