LOVING the warm weather! 21 degrees today so my shorts got their season's debut sans stockings/leggings/tights! The highs for the next few days even go up to 24 degrees!!!!!!
What do KU students do when it's this warm? Eat cold desserts! haha who am I kidding... they eat this all year round... and I've become one of them.
Last Friday, even though it was chilly, I had my first 'pat bing soo'' experience in Korea. It's a dessert made out of layers of shaved ice, fruit, and ice cream on top! Super yummy ^^
Tiffany with Chika (from Japan) who showed us how to eat it properly haha.. Chika comes here twice a week!
We ate in a 2nd floor restaurant called Loveice that specialized in pat bing soo and waffles.

haha their biggest dessert:
One day...
What do KU students do when it's this warm? Eat cold desserts! haha who am I kidding... they eat this all year round... and I've become one of them.
Last Friday, even though it was chilly, I had my first 'pat bing soo'' experience in Korea. It's a dessert made out of layers of shaved ice, fruit, and ice cream on top! Super yummy ^^
Tiffany with Chika (from Japan) who showed us how to eat it properly haha.. Chika comes here twice a week!

we are so eating the King of Waffle.. har har