Currently giving myself "another" consecutive 20 minute break before I tackle putting together the first 15 pager. It was amazingly humid today. I wore shorts and belted an over-sized cardigan which was just enough when I was walking down the hill to discuss the project with my group, but by the time we were finished the meeting, I was so sticky, my hair curled and clung onto my neck for dear life, and my face almost glowed... and all I did was sit in a semi-ACed room for 2.5 hours! Then when I stepped outside, I saw a bunch of students just standing at the edge of the stairs undercover, looking out at the rain. Of course, I, along with all those other students didn't have an umbrella. Why would we? It was sunny. It was still very sunny when it was raining. Warm rain... smells. It was actually warm enough to take a shower in. So, feeling impatient, I decided to suck it up and walk back to the dorm. haha I bet the crowd thought I was michoso (crazy) for doing so. It sure was a quiet walk back!
I spent the last 2 hours trying to figure out how to set up Nate-On (Korean version of MSN that's connected to Cyworld) for my 11PM online meeting tonight with my OM group (ended up having to use my friend's dad's ID lol.. just temporarily), researching a possible new netbook (Korean brand MIS U100 or Samsung NC10), updating myself with my favourite Chictopian outfits, and online shopping on Gmarket.
Oh yea - I forgot to show you the pictures from when Bern, Tiff, and I went to visit the Coffee Prince Cafe in Hongdae! The cafe was created for the popular romantic comedy Korean drama, The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince (2007) and since then, it has turned into an actual cafe + tourist spot.

The menu that listed the most expensive coffee I've ever had.

I'm the next "Waffle Sun Ki"! hahaha
Butchea... go to visit - it's just like the drama but unfortunately, I don't recommend their coffee at all, especially for that price.
Aw so sweet - the Taiwanese girls just invited me to have some homemade bubble tea! Ciao~
I spent the last 2 hours trying to figure out how to set up Nate-On (Korean version of MSN that's connected to Cyworld) for my 11PM online meeting tonight with my OM group (ended up having to use my friend's dad's ID lol.. just temporarily), researching a possible new netbook (Korean brand MIS U100 or Samsung NC10), updating myself with my favourite Chictopian outfits, and online shopping on Gmarket.
Oh yea - I forgot to show you the pictures from when Bern, Tiff, and I went to visit the Coffee Prince Cafe in Hongdae! The cafe was created for the popular romantic comedy Korean drama, The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince (2007) and since then, it has turned into an actual cafe + tourist spot.

Aw so sweet - the Taiwanese girls just invited me to have some homemade bubble tea! Ciao~
wow! i'm so jealous! i've wanted to go to korea ever since i've started watching those amazing korean dramas!!!! :)