Visited Dongdaemun again and this time the other newer buildings (Good Morning City, hello aPM, and Doota!) were open =)
I don't know if it was because it was a Friday (last time we went on a Tuesday), but the vendors weren't as willing to let us bargain as much as last time. When they say "no", they mean no! First, we went to hello aPM which was fairly new and sold some similar items as Migliore. But, to my surprise (and happiness), there were boutiques at the very top floor! There were probably only a handful of people walking around. So many things were on sale -- I got 2 scarves for 5,000won each among quite a few other things hehe
Then we hopped on over next door to Good Morning City that opened just last month. I can't get over how amazing customer service is in Korea!
Everything was really clean. The brightness and emptiness sort of reminded me a lot of Aberdeen Centre in Richmond... not too many people come here either.. which means they're more willing to give you a discount. They have a few open nail salons here too. I got a simple manicure (just colour) that included shaping, a lot of cuticle cutting + oil, lotion-ing, (chocolate) and a hand massage for 7,000won. We had plans for after shopping but didn't end up going due to the giganticness of Dongdaemun's shopping centres... we almost lost track of time and barely caught the last subway train home!
Went to a PC Bang for the first time. A PC Bang (which translates to PC room) is pretty much a room with a bunch of computers in it. You pay 1,000won for 1 hour. It's usually either on the 2nd or 3rd floor of a building or underground. When you go in, you pick up a card with a number on it and type that number into the computer.. then the time starts ticking. The guy at the front offers to get you a complimentary coffee or cold drink.
The computer screens are huge and the internet is super fast. A lot of guys come here to play competitive online games that require them to sit in front of the computer for hours on end so the chairs are really comfortable, too.
NEWS: Seems as though I may have gotten a job! It involves teaching English (conversationally) and a cultural exchange with middle school students twice a month (Saturdays). Hopefully it won't conflict with my weekend travel plans, though =S
I don't know if it was because it was a Friday (last time we went on a Tuesday), but the vendors weren't as willing to let us bargain as much as last time. When they say "no", they mean no! First, we went to hello aPM which was fairly new and sold some similar items as Migliore. But, to my surprise (and happiness), there were boutiques at the very top floor! There were probably only a handful of people walking around. So many things were on sale -- I got 2 scarves for 5,000won each among quite a few other things hehe
Went to a PC Bang for the first time. A PC Bang (which translates to PC room) is pretty much a room with a bunch of computers in it. You pay 1,000won for 1 hour. It's usually either on the 2nd or 3rd floor of a building or underground. When you go in, you pick up a card with a number on it and type that number into the computer.. then the time starts ticking. The guy at the front offers to get you a complimentary coffee or cold drink.
NEWS: Seems as though I may have gotten a job! It involves teaching English (conversationally) and a cultural exchange with middle school students twice a month (Saturdays). Hopefully it won't conflict with my weekend travel plans, though =S
OOOH!!! a job!!! coolio!!!!! so would you be speaking english with them and teaching them about canadian culture?